Thursday, 24 April 2008

The Daily Mail Vs. Photoshop

Or: You didn't even try, did you?

To kick off this blog, I'll start by looking at what has to be the worst attempt at photoshopping an image I've seen recently. As will probably come to light, I'm not the biggest fan of The Daily Mail (to put it politely, I doubt they ever moved on from "Hurrah For The Blackshirts") but even then, the first image that accompanies This article on the WWE and how fake it is* shows an astounding lack of skill, effort, or possibly both. Maybe the perpetrator was running low on time. Maybe it's a meta comment on the article's subject. Maybe they hoped the Boogeyman's suspiciously phallic staff would distract the readers from the image itself. No matter what the excuse, I hope the person (because if it took more than one person to make it I'll lose all faith in humanity - again) gets roundly mocked for it.

*For the record, I used to enjoy watching the WWE before I kind of lost interest. And yes, I knew it was faked. Although, I recall watching a show about how it's done - it's a lot more complex than you think.